Orchard Wines & Ciders
Brännland, Sweden

Brännland Cider started out in 2010 in Umea, a university town 600 kilometres north of Stockholm, with a dream of making great cider using apples grown in the cold climate of northern Sweden. Founder, Andreas Sundgren, has already had a considerable impact in the cider community by producing the only ice ciders made according to the Quebecois laws, using the naturally cold winters of northern Europe.
Multi-award winning, these ciders are served in UK Michelin star restaurants because of their stand out quality, as well as, most recently, featuring in the columns of The Mail On Sunday and The Observer Food Monthly. Supporters include Peter Riches MW, David Williams, Olly Smith, Joanna Simon and Anthony Rose.
The company’s range includes a number of ice ciders, at least on a par with the very best sweet dessert (grape) wines, through semi-dry, to juicy acidity.